We welcome everyone to our Sunday services at 10:30 AM at All Saints by-the-Sea.
Our worship services draw on rich Anglican traditions and faith expressions centred on the sharing of the Eucharist – also known as the Lord’s Supper or Communion. Parishioners play an active role through scripture readings, leading prayers, special music, administering the cup, and the laying-on-of-hands and prayers for healing. For more of what to expect in Anglican worship click here. All are welcome at God’s table.
Those who seek God and a greater spiritual depth in their lives belong with us.
Children may stay in church during the service. There is a nursery with toys for infants at the back of the sanctuary.
Our community is diverse – young and old, families, couples, singles, men and women, straight, gay, differing gender identities, lifelong Anglicans, and new and old faith-seekers from many backgrounds - all are welcome.
Join us for refreshments and conversation in the hall after the service.
For information regarding Diocesan policy on Community Blessings click here.
Occasional services are held at St. Mary's Church, located near Fulford across from the Fulford Hall - the second Anglican Church built on the Island in 1894. St. Mary's is now the home of the Star of the Sea Centre for Spiritual Living and Practice - click here for more information and the latest programs.
Visit our events page for the latest service dates and times.