In person service held each Sunday morning at All Saints by-the-Sea. 
All are welcome.

see downloads below.

Please let us know if you have any announcements by Wednesday noon of the Sunday before
(email Thanks!

Morning Prayer Service for the Sixth Sunday of Easter was Presided over by Lay Leader Debbi Toole
The Homily was delivered in person at All Saints by-the-Sea by Lay Leader, Walter Stewart

Faithful God, make our hearts bold for one another.  Pour out your spirit upon all people, so that we may live your justice and sing in praise of the new song of your marvelous victory.  Amen.

Acts 10.44-48
1 John 5.1-6
Psalm 98
John 15.9-17

Blessed are you, God of our salvation, to you praise and glory forever.
As once you ransomed your people from Egypt and led them to freedom
in the promised land, so now you have delivered us from the dominion of darkness
And brought us into the loving reign of the risen Christ.
May we, the first fruits of you new creation, rejoice in this new day you have made
and praise you for your mighty acts.
Blessed be God: Source of all being, eternal Word and Holy Spirit

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil
In the Anglican Church of Canada:
Pray for our Primate, Linda Nicholls, and National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop
and Presiding Elder of the Sacred Circle, Chris Harper  
Also, the people & clergy of the Diocese of Territory of the People, and for their bishop,
Clara Plamondon
In our Diocese: Anna, our Bishop
Also, for Regional Archdeacons
On the Island: SSI Baptist Church — Pastor Chris Saffel
In our Parish, we pray for the Treasurer & Envelope Secretary
and for these five households: Sandy Johnson, Colin Lawler,
Rev Chris Levan & Ellen Vesterdal, Bill & Jo MacDonald, and Don MacDougall

Readings for Next Sunday
Acts 1.1-11
Ephesians 1.15-23
Psalm 93
Luke 24.44-53