Happy November
As we move forward into the late part of the year, exciting things are happening that invite everyone's participation! Observation of All Souls on Nov 1st 5PM will celebrate those who have departed this year as well as anyone we want to remember and celebrate. The Sunday Worship Service on Nov 5th will celebrate All Saints - those who have passed away and our Church community. We have a lot to remember and celebrate. There will be cake! If you would like, please bring pictures of loved ones you would like remembered. The Stewardship Campaign is in full swing. We encourage all to complete and return the pledge form. If you want to start or change to automatic giving, fill or refill the PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) form - click here. Parishes in our Diocese are now using this very low-cost PAR facility administered by the United Church. Funds come directly to our parish without significant administration fees - a win for us. Remember the Christmas Bazaar on November 25th and talk to Dovene or Judy about participating - click here for details. We have 2 members, Debbi Toole and Josh Catt, currently studying to become Lay Assistants. Both will be leading worship in the upcoming weeks including Evening Prayer and Contemplative Prayer. They appreciate your prayers and support as they work towards this ministry. We are grateful for their work. They are planning an Advent Lessons and Carols service which will be alive with readings, poetry and music. Finally watch your email for an update very soon on our next steps moving forward. Details are pending and the news is good. Thanks as always to everyone, clergy, lay assistants and the whole community as we continue to grow and learn into the future. |
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Advent 2023 Devotional GuidePracticing Wonder with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind The Living Compass theme for the 2023 Advent season is Practicing Wonder with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind. As a parish, we have been using these discussion guides for several years as weekly group meetings in person, on zoom, or as a personal daily devotional guide helping us to prepare for the coming of Christmas. If you are interested in hosting or participating in a face-to-face or zoom group – please contact John Metzger and we’ll see what can be arranged. The guide is available as a free pdf download – please click the button below. Alternatively, if you have an e-reader, you can purchase and download the kindle edition for a nominal cost of $1.34 by clicking here.
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Simon Millerd (trumpet) and Dan Reynolds (piano)Saturday, November 18, 2023, 4pm - 5pm Simon Millerd (trumpet) and Dan Reynolds (piano) will again be playing at All Saints by-the-Sea Anglican Church (110 Park Drive) for a Jazz Vespers service of original improvisations, readings, poetry and prayers led by Rev Richard Stetson. Admission by donation For more infomation visit:
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Saturday, November 25th, 2023 - 10am to 2pm
Our Christmas Bazaar is a wonderful festive way to start the Christmas season. This year our bazaar will be held on Saturday November 25th from 10 am to 2 pm. The bazaar is a lovely occasion to gather and celebrate our parish life, and is also in a small way an outreach to the community. If you would like to help and be a part of this please speak to Dovene or Judy. Thank you to everyone who gives so generously of their time and talents to make our Christmas Bazaar such a festive, fun and wonderful event. For more infomation visit: https://www.saltspringanglican.ca/events/christmas-bazaar/2023-11-25
Salt Spring Island, BC Canada V8K 2R7 |